Our Partners
We collaborate with local and multinational companies based in Slovakia, Czech Republic, Netherlands, UK, Spain and US. We have a network of partners operating in broad range of areas including asset and construction risk engineering, insurance sum valuation, loss adjusting, asset and business interruption insurance consulting and brokerage, fire protection systems and natural hazard safety systems design, as well as training, research and development.
Thanks to our presence in CEE region, we can provide you with an in-depth knowledge of local technical and legal environment, a solid local network of engineering, research, legal, and management professionals, as well as an ease of access and communication when working on your multinational projects.
Our long-term relationship with Spain makes us a suitable partner for supporting projects and initiatives between Spanish companies and companies located in the region of Central and Eastern Europe.
Member of International Network of Risk Consultants
We are a trusted member of international network of risk consultants created by company Riskonet, one of the leading global providers of asset risk management and risk engineering services. Operating from the Netherlands, the organization provides a comprehensive approach to asset risk management bringing together professionals that work in areas such as safety concepts, fire alarm and firefighting systems, natural disasters such as floods, labor and safety risks, supplier risks, liability, production downtime due to internal and external factors, as well as protection against burglary and theft.