CARE service pack
The core of our services is represented by Commercial Asset Risk Engineering (CARE) service pack consisting of three independent services that are specifically designed to meet fundamental needs of asset risk management during a typical life cycle of an asset, namely at the Pre-Construction, Pre-Acquisition, or Post-Loss stage.
The CARE service pack is provided in cooperation with our strategic partner Riskonet and designed to take the full advantage of the risk management process with due consideration of all standard types of asset-related risks including fire, lightning, explosion, earthquake, hurricane, or river and flash flood.
All three specific services from the CARE service pack can be applied on the same asset or portfolio of assets in a multistage and cyclic fashion. Moreover, the standard scope of work for each service from the CARE service pack can be easily narrowed or extended to fit the exact needs of our clients.
Pre-Construction Risk Assessment
Are you going to build new or renovate an existing asset? Are you interested in optimizing the value of risk since the early stages of the life cycle of your asset? Are you concerned about expected cost of property insurance? If so, then PCRA could be your choice.
Pre-Acquisition Risk Assessment
Are you about to acquire a new asset to your portfolio? Are you concerned about the uncertainty related to the value of risk of the surveyed asset before its acquisition? Are you looking for a cost-effective property insurance in case you decide to acquire the asset? If so, then PARA could be your choice.
Post-Loss Risk Assessment
Have you experienced a loss or serious damage to your property? Do you consider the losses as too frequent, or unacceptable to happen again under the same conditions? Are you concerned about what to do next? If so, then PLRA could be your choice.